Tie Life Cycle 


California Variances for Treated Wood Waste Disposal Infographic (February 2021)

Western Wood Preservers Institute Review of the California Department of Toxic Substance Control Variances for Treated Wood Waste (February 2021)

Benefits of Creosote-Preserved Wood (Stephen Smith, P.E. August 2019)

Wood Crosstie End-of-Life Recycling Survey (2019)

2018 Railroad Tie Survey by Stephen Smith (Published in the Journal of Transportation Technologies 2019)

California Treated Wood Waste Confirmed Landfill List (2019) 

Wood Crosstie End-of-Life Recycling Survey (2015)

Life Cycle Analysis of Creosote Treated Ties in the US Comparison Paper (2013)

(Click here for the most recent Creosote Council Consumer Information Sheet (CIS) dated Sept 22, 2012)

Determination of Effect of Dual Treatment on Average Tie Life & Wood Tie Life Cycle Costs (2011)

Creosote-Treated Ties, End-of-Life Evaluation (2010)

An Evaluation of Used Wood Crossties  (2009)

Treated Wood Waste Management Fact Sheet (2008)

Wood Crosstie End-of-Life Recycling Survey (2008)

The Environmental Risks Associated with the Use of Pressure Treated Wood in Railway Right-of-Way (2001)

Evaluation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Migration From Ties Into Ballast and Adjacent Wetlands (2000)

Management of Used Treated Wood Products, Addendum for the Western United States (1996)

Management of Used Treated Wood Products (circa 1990s) 

Extending the Service Life of Wooden Crossties (1987-2002)

Helpful Links

Western Wood Preserver’s Institute 

Creosote Council

American Wood Protection Association

The state of California's guidance on the management of used treated wood products.

California Treated Wood Waste Confirmed Landfill List (2019)